Thursday, December 17, 2009

Truehoop Annoys Me

Busy with finals. Here's a short rant.

Henry Abbot of Truehoop annoys the beejeezus out of me. This guy is a huge Blazers fan and Kobe Bryant "hater" (hater is a bit extreme), which is okay until you bring that bias into your blog that's directed towards a national audience. Abbot respects Kobe, but often goes out of his way to downplay his achievements. Abbot's most recent post about Kobe is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. This is the Truehoop formula for Kobe Bryant posts.

1. Talk about something good about Kobe to show that you are not 'hating'.

2. Immediately discredit that with analysis and stats, which may or may not be accurate/applicable.

3. Finish post by straddling the line between 'Kobe is overrated' and 'Kobe is good' to show that you are not biased.

This most recent post can be summarized like this.

"Kobe hit a game winning shot and did pretty well in the 4th and OT. But stats show Kobe usually is not that good in the 4th and OT, many people are better. Also, he may have gotten a lot of preferential treatment from refs. But who knows, I mean, I'm not saying Kobe is not that good, but the stats show that he is not that good."

This came out longer and less coherent than I had planned. Stay tuned for my rant about Bill Simmons someday.

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